This must come first…

(Wisdom from another brilliant client.)


As we rest and rejuvenate this weekend I sincerely hope you put time for yourself at the top of your list.

My favorite thing to do to strictly for myself? Snorkeling. Now, understandably that will not happen (sigh) but I can find other ways – take as many naps as my munchkins will allow, ease up on my schedule, have drinks with friends and listen to an outdoor performance with my family. All things I love that refill my tank and put the brakes on my usual demands.

Have a healthy, relaxing and fabulous weekend! Enjoy committing to yourself first!

#LaborDay #healthy #committoyourself #women #strong #fridayquickie #wisdom #bestclientsever

Labor Day Value


According to the US Department of Labor, “Labor Day…is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country.”Whatever your occupation or vocation: parent, employee, business owner, household manager, volunteer for the betterment of our communities, I encourage you to rest and take stock this weekend. Making time to reflect on our strengths and contributions can energize us for the road ahead and offer joy and pride in our accomplishments thus far. Pat your selves on the back this weekend and enjoy some time to regroup and re-energize. You’ve earned it!