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Quality Over Quantity

One of the most beautiful pieces of advice my mother ever gave me was “Strive for quality over quantity.” As we forge ahead into the holiday season, I encourage you to implement this advice as well. The increasing commitments and celebrating are a challenge to healthy living. I encourage you to use “quality over quantity” as a holiday navigation tool.
Below are a few examples:
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Don’t Do It for You

Years ago, I asked a friend how he quit smoking. He replied, “I didn’t do it for myself, I did it for her.” My friend, Michael was illustrating a powerful tool – love for someone else. In this case, his wife.
A few articles have recently come across my desk, supporting parents’ influence on their child’s physical activity levels. What did they suggest the parents do? Be active yourself and be active with your children.
According to the CDC:
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What Are You Hiding?

We all have wants and needs in terms of our health. Some of us would like to lose 20 pounds. Some of us would like a better relationship with food. Some of us would like to reduce our dependance on medication. Some of us want to be healthy and active in our golden years. Whatever your current aspiration, the key to your success might lie in what your hiding.
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Money Mojo

Clients and friends know that I have an affinity for personal finance. It appeals to my love of numbers and predilection for planning. As customary, I was watching The Suze Orman Show last week and stumbled upon an enlightening bit of advice.

A 30 year software design veteran had been out of work for a year. After hundreds of resumes and dozens of interviews, she wanted help getting her  “money mojo” back. Suze’s advice? Exercise. I’m not kidding. The guru of accessible and common sense financial advice to millions of Americans is touting exercise as a key ingredient in reclaiming your “money mojo.” Suze’s reasoning was simple: “Employers are attracted to energy” and exercise will help you feel energized. She also cited that this woman in particular spent too much of her energy putting others first (uh-uhm.) She took her dogs for 6 mile walks (admirable) but never exercised just for herself (unfortunate.) Suze consistently advises her audience to place the financial oxygen mask on themselves first – this is just another variation of such advice.

As someone in the fitness journey trenches, none of this is surprising. I have watched many individuals achieve professional success in conjunction with their commitment to physical health. Research is constantly passing my desk in support of financial/professional achievement and healthy living. Walking five times a week, completing your yoga DVD every morning or joining a running club (beginner level) could all mean the difference between being an energized person or seeming depleted. As we search for sources of motivation to continue to live healthfully – this is a great reminder that exercise in fact offers many benefits beyond the physical implications.


What the Today Show and New York Times Missed

During my warm-up at the gym, the Today Show caught my attention. Dr. Nancy Snyderman and Joy Bauer, RD were discussing the results of a new study in the New England Journal of Medicine that addresses the hormonal implications to dieting. They gave some good suggestions and validated the incredible challenge that overweight people experience in the efforts to lose weight. After my work out, I went to my computer and read through the New York Times article referenced. Columnist, Tara Parker-Pope discussed the topic in detail in her article The Fat Trap. The overwhelming data states that we are more challenged after losing weight via intense dieting. Our hormones change and cravings alter. When you cut back on your calorie intake significantly your body tries to save you from the famine (because why else would you reduce your food intake so drastically). It alters protocol and holds on to body fat. This coverage COULD be demoralizing to another reader, but my hope is that you know better. What the well intentioned authors missed was strength training. Not only does strength training have significant positive implications for your bones, brain, hormones, pregnancy, physique and weight maintenance it is the only method that I know of to increase the number of calories you burn while at rest. And that is a message that needs to be delivered.


Call it what you like, resistance training, lifting weights, toning, strengthening, adding muscle. Whatever the term, the idea is to add muscle mass to your body to increase your metabolism (calorie expenditure).  This is still being overlooked in the mainstream media as an important part of the weight loss / being healthy solution- I want you to know better. Whether it’s joining me for personal training or push ups and resista-band squats in your living room, we can enjoy the tremendous benefits of strength training. Hopefully, success will spread the word, one person at a time.

(Well, maybe a few at a time, I did email NYT author – will keep you posted if I receive a reply)

Resolution Solution

I have given this a lot of thought. What single gem will really make a difference in your 2012 resolution? My advice…

Get Help

Whatever your health goal for 2012, the best suggestion I can give you is to enlist help in your endeavors. Maybe, the initial reaction is “Thanks, but I can do it on my own.” Forgive my direct reply but “Why haven’t you?” The truth is, healthy living is simple. Simple, not easy. We know what we should be doing and yet we don’t. The missing link is acknowledging that your goal is important and that you need help to get there. What do we do in other areas of our lives? We get quality help and our lives are better for it. You might trim your bangs on occasion but you probably don’t give yourself a full haircut. Below are a few examples to get your juices flowing.


  • Limit my risks for heart disease/diabetes
  • Finally lose 5/20/50 pounds
  • Help my overweight husband/partner/children
  • Feel as fit as I used to
  • Have my body be my best fashion asset (even with Prada in the closet)

Decide your weakness:

  • I’m scared to go to the doctor to find out my risks/blood work
  • I’m tired of failing
  • Nagging ends in no one being happy
  • I’m too tired to work out
  • I’m intimidated at the gym

Enlist help:

  • Have a friend or relative go with you to the doctor appointment with questions written down and notes taken during appointment(s)including follow up care
  • Sign up for class or personal training with a very optimistic, positive leader with substantial success record
  • Find family/couple activities that take you out of the driver seat (bowling, parent/tot/couple dance classes, open gym at park district, couples tennis lessons)
  • list your activity and eating differences between then and now and sign up for help in those areas
  • Sign up for shorter duration and ultra beginner activities to start
  • Hire a trainer (I’m never intimidated at the gym and it rubs off on my clients)

Then, what?

1. Start working with in your new system. Remember, I said simple, not easy.

2. Evaluate. Is your help helping? If not, find another helper.

I wish you all the best in identifying your needs and accomplishing your goals. Need help with your help? I’m just a phone call or email away.Happy Happy New Year to you and yours!

Do NOT Buy This Gift

Do NOT Buy This Gift

Unless you are in need of a very expensive dry cleaning clothes hanger please do not buy yourself a piece of cardio equipment for your home this Christmas or Hannukah. I have been a personal trainer for over ten years and I can count on one hand the number of people that actually use their home cardio equipment. Your money and home are too important. Pieces of cardio equipment are expensive, space consuming and when unused, guilt inducing.

I do understand why you want to purchase these items for you or your loved one. It is the promise of health, beauty, energy, a slim physique, convenience and accomplishment. Who doesn’t love all of those things? But the truth of the matter is – these machines go unused. It is not the piece of equipment that delivers success. It is the habit and the action. The act of consistantly exercising over weeks and months changes our bodies and our energy level. A piece of equipment can only deliver such changes if you’re on it.

If you are still unconvinced, I invite you to take this test for one month. Decide a cardio schedule as if you had purchased new home equipment (i.e. “I will exercise on my cardio equipment every M,W,F at 6am for 40 minutes”.) And every time you were planning on working out – use a work out DVD (rentable form Library for free or use the one that’s been sitting on your shelf) or dance in your living room or walk outside – remember this is just for four weeks. If after four weeks you have completed all the cardio sessions – maybe you are the exception to the rule but if not – you just saved your self potentially thousands of dollars and a big guilt trip.

I realize it’s disappointing to have the curtain pulled back. Know that there are solutions and tools that can help. Give me a call if you would like to see what personal training can offer. I am the closest thing available to “habit delivery” and would love to help you feel all that the infomercial is promising.

Blakely FIT
Strength Training Exclusively for Women  773-680-6824

 Training out of Symmetry Center: 401 West Ontario, 4th Fl., Chicago IL 60610

Shop Smart

With holiday shopping in full swing, I’ve listed tips for making smart fitness product purchases: must haves and items to avoid. As always, please feel free to connect for comments or questions. 773-680-6824

The Power of a Mix Tape: Music is an incredible motivator. It’s also relatively inexpensive and very accessible. Make yourself a great playlist for your cardio workouts. Better yet, ask friends or family to make one for you as a holiday gift. Frugal for them – meaningful and fun for both of you.

Front and Center: One of the most important fitness tools in your closet should be a few high quality sports bras. These should be supportive, fitted and comfortable for a full range of motion in your arms and back. A good test? Jumping up and down should ilicit very little to no movement. I’m sure this is tighter than you are used to but you’ll be more comfortable in the end and grateful years down the road. Great place to start your shopping: Title 9

Feet First: How old are your gym shoes? If you are exercising regularly (3 to 5x per week), you should be replacing your shoes about every three months. If you are not exercising regularly, please note that the supportive materials in gym shoes do breakdown after a year or so. I am not a proponent of $200 shoes, unless your podiatrist insists. Instead, visit a department store like Kohls and find two or three pairs that you love and swap them out as necessary to keep your hips, ankles, knees and back happy.

My top “No-no”? Infomercials. They sell products for a reason. They are attention grabbing, slick and offer immediate gratification. This holiday I encourage you to avoid the gadgets. I have yet to meet a person that is regularly using the 16 DVD set, machine or ab ball that promised size 4 dresses and a happier life. Put your focus on creating a habit to move more. It you need equipment later, great. Remember, the tool doesn’t matter if you don’t have the habit to use it.

Doctor Feel Good

Doctor Feel Good: December 31st is fast approaching. Take advantage of your health insurance and your deductible, make an appointment to see your Internist and Ob/Gyn practitioner. This is an outstanding way to catch problems early and establish a quality relationship with one of your best health resources. Please make both appointments. There are several important screens/discussions performed by each physician that are not addressed by the other. Need a great Ob/Gyn or Internist or Dermatologist referral? I highly recommend Dr. Shayna R. Rubin for Obstetrics and Gynecology, Dr. Kevin Hunt for Internal Medicine and Dr. Katherine Wier for skin needs.

Eat Your Wheaties…or egg whites, or fruit smoothie, or lean ham and cheese. Whatever you prefer, start the day with breakfast. I sympathize with the urge to skip your morning meal before or after holiday indulging. Unfortunately, it doesn’t help and often hurts. Keep your metabolism revved up, your nutrient intake high and your body and brain fueled by eating a healthy breakfast.
Friday morning November 26th?
Stroll along our beautiful lakefront.
Give Thanks… to your body. Think of five things you LOVE about your body. Yes, I’m serious – five things. Thanksgiving is a time of gratitude; appreciating our bodies should be no exception. Think of how it functions, how it recovers, how it moves, how it looks … whether it’s inheriting your grandmother’s cheekbones or your natural gift of flexibility, whether you have always had radiant skin or kicked cancer’s butt, take the time to appreciate your miraculous vehicle. We can’t move forward, until we appreciate what we’ve got. Taking a little time to appreciate our bodies can be a very meaningful and uplifting Thanksgiving moment.

Hold Strong: Generally speaking the goal during the holidays should be to maintain your current weight/fitness level. Goals should always be sensible and attainable. Striving to lose weight amidst the parties, treats and stress is unrealistic, especially without the weekly support of a fitness professional. This year, enjoy yourself and keep your eye on maintaining your exercise regime and size between now and January first.
