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Why Strength?

Strength Training Exclusively for Women

You’ve seen our tag line, Strength Training Exclusively for Women. Here’s our response to “why strength?”



We cannot control what life throws our way, our strength can be a constant. It will help us handle, enjoy and overcome.

Improving our strength can be complicated, finding a guide is essential to our success.

Like money, strength doesn’t necessarily make everything better but it does make everything easier.

Energy and time are our greatest commodities, strength facilitates both.

We are just scratching the surface of the benefits and role of the musculoskeletal system with in a healthy body. Researchers are discovering it is far more than a means to move from A to B.

Improved strength raises your metabolism at rest. Consider that for a moment, at rest!?

We can positively change your brain by improving your strength. (To quote my daughter “Seriously.”)

In an increasingly virtual world, physical, tangible accomplishments are highly satisfying and empowering.

Using strength to look good is great.

Using strength to feel good is awesome.

#strength #women #training #healthy #why #blakelyfit #bfit #Chicago #Frankfort #companymission #ilovemyjob

Next week, “why women?”

What I learned in Maui…

What I Learned in Maui…

It’s tough for anyone to successfully pull off a wetsuit.
Great products make a huge difference…GoPro is awesome, Coolibar makes life easier and self tanner keeps me out of trouble with my dermatologist. As with many things in life, don’t over think it. Leaping off the zip line platform is a lot easier when you don’t hesitate. Don’t think about that you are about to leap into the abyss, clip on your safety gear and go…
When I grow up, I want to be Hawaiian – the people, the nature, the water, the sounds, I was born on the wrong island…

No matter how cold you feel on the boat, get in the water. Swimming with a sea turtle makes “I’m too cold” seem like a joke…
1% of people regret zip lining the last run. 100% regret NOT zip lining the last run. Fearful? Trust your guides and move forward. You’ll be glad you did.

Hawaiian palm tree leaves gently tapping one another is one of the most beautiful sounds on Earth.
Hearing humpback whales with my own ears – worth the very long trip to get there.
Hawaiians do vacation. They go to Vegas. Vegas, baby, Vegas.

I can take a nap in the middle of the day after doing nothing if I have a cold beer. I’m an idiot that it took me this long to figure that out.

Listen to your friends: “Don’t work on vacation.”

I am grateful for the fine farmers, fishermen and chefs on Maui – the food and service were INCREDIBLE.
Rent a convertible at least once in your life.

Less is more.

Take advice from those that have been there before – exploit their knowledge. (Mahalo – Shayna, Laura, Steve and Paula!) It took exactly 8 hours to decide I’m going back to Hawaii.

Seven years is too long to postpone a grown up vacation.

Life is short but rich.

Vacationing with out your children is a tough proposition at first but ultimately a very good thing for everyone. Sit on the beach and watch surfers. They know something we don’t.

Maui cures bronchitis.

Time to do nothing is precious and important.

Need help with that resolution? 

We are energized and ready to help! 

And the winner is…

BlakelyFIT-Lioness2015Many thanks for your time and participation in our survey last month! The results were touching, inspiring and at times hilarious. I strive to create the best experience and company possible, thank you for your input – it is invaluable!

As promised, one lucky participant has won a $25 iTunes gift card and Blakely FIT t-shirt. She is…..

 Jody B!

Here is a screen shot of the final survey questions answers  – facinating! Enjoy…

Screen Shot Survey #5 Blakely FIT
