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Did you celebrate that?

IMG_9855A client and I were talking about her “last minute” efforts (6 weeks to the final fitting) to feel as healthy and fit as possible before her wedding. In our discussion, I encouraged her to take stock of all that she’s accomplished thus far.

The results were impressive:

“I feel so much better.”

“I definitely am healthier. I used to take antibiotics twice a winter for sinus infections, this year – none.”

“My clothes are fitting better.”

“I realized I do look better.”

How often do you take stock and celebrate what you’ve accomplished? Not nearly enough? I hear you. It’s so easy to get caught up in the bustle of what needs to be done and gloss over the importance of celebrating our hard work.

My husband and I celebrated our ten year anniversary this month. A simple dinner alone provided some precious time to revel in and acknowledge all that we have been through, enjoyed and surprised by over the last decade. That simple conversation was gift.

Make a date to celebrate yourself and all your healthy living efforts. There is power in acknowledging our accomplishments and that kind of power is a beautiful gift that keeps on giving.


Career Day Gratitude

What a pleasure! Many thanks to the Hickory Creek staff and students for inviting me to present for career day, yesterday. I appreciate your attention and loved your thoughtful questions on owning your own businesses and pursuing a career in personal training.

‪#‎careerday‬ ‪#‎personaltrainingmentor‬ ‪#‎fun‬ ‪#‎ourfuture‬ ‪#‎personaltrainingasacareer‬ ‪#‎smallbusiness‬IMG_9930

The Skin You’re In

Do you love your skin?

Of course you do! May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month…

Do your skin, beauty and health a favor by staying in the shade, wearing sunblock and donning sunproof clothing. Not that fair? Doesn’t matter. As one dermatologist insightfully stated: “Bob Marley had melanoma.”

IMG_8577My two daughters have very different skin tones. I wondered, if I need to be as vigilant with sun protection with both children? (I realize this question sounds horrible on the surface, but you may not have ever had to slather lotion on two elusive toddlers while trying to get out the door.) The short answer: “Yes.” So whatever your skin tone, protect your health and beauty. Be smart in the sun this weekend.

Sun proof clothing site we love: (hat pictured below)
Coolibar Sun Protective Clothing​

No time to shop? Dark denim will provide sun protection. And what fabric is more American than denim? Be safe! Have fun!

#skinsmart #skincancerawareness #fridayquickie

Need a dermatologist? We love Dr. Peter Lio of Medical Dermatology Associates of Chicago​ and Dr. Emily Arch of Wicker Park Dermatology and Aesthetics

You’re Doing It Wrong


Let go of the unhelpful healthy living advice still lingering in that big brain of yours and embrace something simple and productive:

When it comes to cardio… Something is always better than nothing.

When it comes to winning the race to be healthy… My money is on the tortoise.

When it comes to stress… Sleep is the best remedy.

When it comes to food… Eat your fruits and veggies first.

When it comes to motivation… Make small commitments that can blossom into something more. Don’t overwhelm yourself with extreme projects.

I’m rooting for you!

Love this stuff? We’d love your review on Google+:

Many thanks!

2015 Tribute to Mom

Click photo to view our 2015 tribute to moms

Click photo to view our 2015 tribute to moms

We gathered client stories and created, The Strength of Mom, our 2015 Mothers Day slideshow.

Our utmost thanks to our clients for lending their words and photos. It’s an honor to share your stories and be a small part of the strength that allows you to impact so many lives in such meaningful way!


Crushing It

AddresstheStressorBlakelyFITAs customary, I spoke with a newer client about her food, water, sleep, stress and workouts.

Here’s the report:

  • She spent all day Sunday cooking healthy meals for the week with her husband,
  • Moved from Diet Coke to a non-caffeinated carbonated beverage,
  • Found a cardio option in her office building (included in her compensation),
  • And completed her normal resistance training work out with out pain because she iced and rested a joint that concerned her.

The topper to all of this was a new stress reduction tool we worked out: “when stressed – address the stressor.” Like most of us, this client turned to food when faced with a stressful situation – it’s easy, available and works (temporarily).  The stress also changed her normally positive temperament and energy to do things (like exercise.) Our initial solution brainstorm seemed lacking: an app, deep breathing, some kind of distraction, etc. Then, we landed on something brilliant and obvious: just address the stressor. Pouring her energy right back into addressing the problem minimized the stress enough to avoid the negative implications – unnecessary snacking, drinking, decreased energy, altered mood, etc. Win-Win -Win!

Let this client’s experience inspire you. Apply “when stressed – address the stressor” when an annoyance rears it’s ugly head. Now go out there and “crush it” – your body and mind will thank you!
