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Failing to Plan Is Planning to Fail

I will never forget standing in front of my boss’s office looking at his year long program design calendar for his athletes. I had never seen anything like it. The idea of planning that far in advance, of working backwards from a time sensitive goal to arrive successful and prepared was foreign. Suspicious at first, It did not take long to become a believer. I have seen it time and again, having a plan is so important for success and failing to plan often leads to failure.

Below are a few questions to ponder as you look to craft a sticky and effective promise for 2013:

Recall successful past achievements. Did you have a plan?

Do you wish you were a better planner?

Do you get lost in details and lose the big picture goal?

What do you want for 2013? 2014? 2015?

What is a realistic goal achievement date?

What measurable steps can you take to arrive there?

What time constraints or commitments will you need to navigate/trouble shoot?

What is your half way mark?

How will you measure success?

Who will help you?

You can have a healthy and successful 2013. Reach out anytime. I’d be delighted to learn about your needs and wants and create and implement your plan for success.

What NOT to Do This Holiday

I always tell clients, “your goal around the holidays should be to maintain your current weight.” The parties, indulgent foods, added stress and obligations, all challenge our efforts toward moderation. Over the next two weeks, do NOT try to lose weight or add a new work out regime or diet plan (yes, that includes starving yourself before parties.) Instead, keep it as simple as possible. Do your best to get enough sleep and remember that some exercise is better than none. Don’t forget alternative stress relievers: listening to a hilarious podcast, five minutes of deep breathing, calling a girlfriend, looking at favorite pictures, gentle stretching – all are just as accessible as food, drink or smoking with out the downside.
