Friday Quickies: Part II
Location, Location, Location… Use this realty slogan when you mingle at a party. Delicious food at a party is great. I would argue a very fun part of the party. But, often we eat foods just because we are near them – stand right next to the bacon wrapped dates for ten minutes – you’ll probably eat more than you planned. Try to move your conversations away from the buffet. Enjoy the company, the food and the party – just be mindful of where you park your conversations.
Sweet Potato Casserole Try this simple, client tested recipe. Packed with vitamin A, sweet potatoes also hold a healthy dose of fiber, protein, potassium and vitamin C. You will need: 5 sweet potatoes, peeled and sliced (use a mandoline if you have one), 3/4 cup orange juice, 1/2 cup water, raisins & chopped pecans (optional)
Preheat oven to 400 degrees F
Spray baking dish with olive oil/canola oil
Spread sweet potatoes (slightly overlapping) in a baking dish. (Sprinkle with raisins and chopped pecans).
Pour OJ over the sweet potatoes
Bake in the preheated oven until sweet potatoes are tender (time ranges – about 40 min)
Let it go: You wouldn’t hang a picture in your home that made you feel bad about yourself – why do it with your clothes? Holding on to clothing that doesn’t flatter stirs negative feelings about our body. And despite popular habits, holding on to too small clothing does NOT translate into motivation to slim down. As you try on your holiday outfits this season, instead of holding on, let the clothes go. Donate quality clothing to charity or sell more expensive pieces at a consignment shop. When you hit your goal fitness level you will not want to wear those ten year old jeans. (I promise.) Make room for clothes that feel fabulous and celebrate the skin you are in right now.
Shake it up: Literally. What music makes you move? I encourage you to take just five minutes, play your favorite tunes and dance. Yep, dance. Quick, healthy and easy, this stress reliever is a simple way to get silly and get moving. (My inspiration? Elmo and my two year old daughter)
Timing is everything… even with exercise. Your body DOESN’T care much if you strength train at 7am or at 7pm. Your body DOES care that you get it done. Exercising in the morning increases the likelihood that you will complete it. After work workouts are great in theory but, often there is more competition for your time and a greater likelihood you will cancel exercise. Try to get moving in the mornings – you’re more likely to reap the benefits because you’ll be more likely to get it done.
Finding these helpful? Have some tricks of your own? I’d be happy to hear from you: