What a delight! Thanks so much to the six women that attended our small group training class! I’m so glad you were able to make this very unique and challenging class. Please feel free to post a comment below or on our Facebook page.
What a delight! Thanks so much to the six women that attended our small group training class! I’m so glad you were able to make this very unique and challenging class. Please feel free to post a comment below or on our Facebook page.
Well, how did you do? Thanksgiving week has come and gone. The turkey, planning, appetizers, stress, alcohol, family dynamics, travel, eating on the go, left overs, parties, family dynamics (wait, I said that already)… As you look back at how well you took care of yourself regarding stress, sleep, exercise and eating, where do you land? Whatever the case, I have a little advice.
If you did well, hold on to it! Remember the feelings of satisfaction, success and calm in managing all those choices and commitments, the good feelings that come from taking care of ourselves. It will inform and empower you in the future (more holidays are coming), catapulting you into more good decisions.
If you feel as though you didn’t do so well, let it go! Guilt is a lousy motivator (a much better debilitator.) Brush yourself off and start fresh. There are plenty of opportunities ahead to make good decisions. For goodness sake, it was Thanksgiving. You can and will succeed. Let go of those not so good choices and put your best foot forward.
Get a taste of personal training with Blakely FIT at a very affordable price. Our small group training class next Wednesday will deliver an efficient, half-hour workout with individualized attention and Blakely FIT quality program design.
Only 7 4 spaces available