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Blakely FIT Goodbye

Dear clients and readers,

It has been an honor and privilege to be a part of your lives and part of your journey to live healthfully. Your trust, work ethic, and willingness to achieve something better have consistently been an inspiration. You are truly, the best aspect of my career.

After 12 years of owning Blakely FIT, I must say goodbye and bring my full professional attention to a new endeavor, See Jane Train.

Please enjoy a quick video expressing our gratitude and recap of the last 12 years of Blakely FIT.
The official launch of my new company, See Jane Train is this morning. I would love for you to take a peek, like and share.

I sincerely hope you would be willing to stay in touch. As always, I wish you every healthy happiness! And, I am eternally grateful for your patronage, participation and trust.

Fondly, Michelle

2015 Tribute to Mom

Click photo to view our 2015 tribute to moms

Click photo to view our 2015 tribute to moms

We gathered client stories and created, The Strength of Mom, our 2015 Mothers Day slideshow.

Our utmost thanks to our clients for lending their words and photos. It’s an honor to share your stories and be a small part of the strength that allows you to impact so many lives in such meaningful way!


Video Demo of “Strength In Numbers”


Click here and watch this one minute video of our “Strength In Numbers” class.

Join us for Tuesday and Thursday morning classes! Class size is limited to eight women. Email to check availability and schedule your Assessment.

Strength in Numbers is built on the premise that every woman should have access to high quality resistance training program design and instruction. Every client is tracked with our quarterly BFit Reassessment System and all programs include modifications for various fitness levels.
