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De-lish: Chicken and Potatoes with a Twist

Flavorful, colorful and stuffed with the goodness of spinach.

I think your going to love this one.

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Wash and quarter four servings of fingerling potatoes.

Toss with two sprigs of rosemary (remove stems, chop leaves), two tablespoons of olive oil, salt and pepper.

Spread onto parchment paper on cookie sheet.

Flatten four chicken breasts individually with kitchen mallet.

Spread 2 tablespoons of cream cheese, a sprinkle of garlic powder and one cup of baby spinach onto each breast.

Roll chicken breasts into a tight roll (keeping spinach tucked.)

Press crushed corn flakes onto exterior. (I’m sure there are classier options – post yours on FB)

Spray non-stick cooking spray onto baking dish and transfer chicken.

Bake potatoes until brown and crispy.

Bake chicken to internal temp of 165 degrees.
(I started the potatoes for ten minutes at 450. Then, lowered the temp to 350 and added the chicken for about another 20 minutes.)


Shopping list:

Four chicken breasts
Four cups baby spinach
Small cream cheese
Garlic powder
Small box of cornflakes
Fingerling potatoes
Fresh rosemary

Down in the Southland 2014

It was an honor to be a sponsor for Down in the Southland’s 2014 Fundraiser and 1K Walk. Thank you so much for everyone’s participation in the warm-up! It was a pleasure to be part of such a well-attended, heartwarming event raising money and support for our families and individuals affected by #DownSyndrome! — at Peotone Community Park.

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Confessions of a Personal Trainer #1

RunonFrankfortILBridgeI played a little hooky Thursday so I could jog in this gorgeous weather. Professionally, I preach exercise benefits daily. But, that’s not why I went for a run. And to be completely honest, that is rarely ever why I go for a run. Truth be told, I dislike cardio. Yep, I said it. I’m not a fan. Well, at least at the onset.

My initial response to starting that weekly bout of repetitive movement is a downer. The excuses flow, the reluctance begins and the other pressing obligations suddenly become that much more pressing. Is this really a surprise? You are reading a post from a fitness professional who’s tag line is “Strength Training Exclusively for Women.” Why do I do it? Well, I start (and finish) my cardio because it solves a problem that few other behaviors can solve so easily. Cardio gets me out of my head. Moderate heart rate elevating exercise offers an easy, reliable, respite from my thoughts and significant boost to my mood. Something happens about 12 minutes into moving. My head become clearer, my problems become smaller and solutions seem a few steps away. And for a mom, wife, business owner and speaker, that, is priceless.

I know the chemistry behind this reaction. The mind bending chemicals and interactions occurring when we exercise are incredible. But, that logic is not what brings me back. The feeling is what brings me back: the clarity, the relief, and the refreshment after my cardio are my motivation.

For me, it’s like that friend that will tell you exactly how it is. You may not like what she has to say initially, but, ultimately her candor is exactly what you needed to hear. Maybe cardio could be your friend too? Give it a try. Call for help: 773-680-6824

Too Smart for Your Own Good…

“Paralysis by analysis” hung at my old job. We trained competitive athletes. The sign was a reminder: too much thinking (or cuing from coaches) hinders performance. Focused minds are effective, too much contemplation causes problems.

I wonder, are you in the way of a healthier life? Infomercials, magazines, classes and trends abound. Some of us tend to wade through every option, read every article, and insist on making sure it’s the absolute best choice. Well, I have some bad news for you: none of them are the best choice.
All of them have pros and cons and none are perfect. My beautiful reader, get out of your own way and just move forward. In simplest terms: MOVE. If the plan you are about to undertake increases your weekly amount of activity, go for it. It’s 100% better than doing nothing.
Don’t let that fabulous brain of yours get in the way. Detailing every option is a mask for procrastination or fear (I should know.) I implore you to stop the research and commit to the plan that sits well in your gut. If it doesn’t work, feels unsafe, or is terribly inconvenient, you can always change it.

We know that contemplating a change isn’t changing anything – pick one and MOVE forward. Good luck. I’m rooting for you!

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