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Doctor Feel Good

Doctor Feel Good: December 31st is fast approaching. Take advantage of your health insurance and your deductible, make an appointment to see your Internist and Ob/Gyn practitioner. This is an outstanding way to catch problems early and establish a quality relationship with one of your best health resources. Please make both appointments. There are several important screens/discussions performed by each physician that are not addressed by the other. Need a great Ob/Gyn or Internist or Dermatologist referral? I highly recommend Dr. Shayna R. Rubin for Obstetrics and Gynecology, Dr. Kevin Hunt for Internal Medicine and Dr. Katherine Wier for skin needs.

Eat Your Wheaties…or egg whites, or fruit smoothie, or lean ham and cheese. Whatever you prefer, start the day with breakfast. I sympathize with the urge to skip your morning meal before or after holiday indulging. Unfortunately, it doesn’t help and often hurts. Keep your metabolism revved up, your nutrient intake high and your body and brain fueled by eating a healthy breakfast.
Friday morning November 26th?
Stroll along our beautiful lakefront.
Give Thanks… to your body. Think of five things you LOVE about your body. Yes, I’m serious – five things. Thanksgiving is a time of gratitude; appreciating our bodies should be no exception. Think of how it functions, how it recovers, how it moves, how it looks … whether it’s inheriting your grandmother’s cheekbones or your natural gift of flexibility, whether you have always had radiant skin or kicked cancer’s butt, take the time to appreciate your miraculous vehicle. We can’t move forward, until we appreciate what we’ve got. Taking a little time to appreciate our bodies can be a very meaningful and uplifting Thanksgiving moment.

Hold Strong: Generally speaking the goal during the holidays should be to maintain your current weight/fitness level. Goals should always be sensible and attainable. Striving to lose weight amidst the parties, treats and stress is unrealistic, especially without the weekly support of a fitness professional. This year, enjoy yourself and keep your eye on maintaining your exercise regime and size between now and January first.

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