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Dealing with Myself

As much as I provide support and expertise to my clients, they also help me. Sharing what strategies are effective for each of them helps me compile an arsenal of options for success. Recently, a client made SIGNIFICANT improvements to her healthy living habits. Giddy with pride and joy for the implications to her life, I pressed her with the question: “What is making making the difference between completing your habit and not?” Her answer was honest and endearing. She stated, “Just completing the task is easier than ‘dealing with myself’.” I know exactly what she means and I suspect you do too.  

Instead of making excuses, procrastinating or enduring a self induced guilt trip, she realized that if she just did it – it was easier. This new plan of attack is simple and brilliant. We are often our own greatest obstacle. What a fabulous revelation – “get out of the way and just get it done.” You didn’t need to read this post to understand this concept but you may have needed to read this client’s experience to be inspired to try it for your self.  

These next seven days, whatever the healthy goal, I invite you to just “get ‘er done.” Don’t think, don’t debate, don’t bargain, don’t avoid – just do it. I’m incredibly optimistic you will be quite happy with the results.

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