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Quality Over Quantity

One of the most beautiful pieces of advice my mother ever gave me was “Strive for quality over quantity.” As we forge ahead into the holiday season, I encourage you to implement this advice as well. The increasing commitments and celebrating are a challenge to healthy living. I encourage you to use “quality over quantity” as a holiday navigation tool.
Below are a few examples:
  • Make the most of your holiday fun. Take a look at your calendar and decide WHICH parties are the best for indulging.  Late nights and overeating at EVERY celebration will not play out well in the end. Pick the one or two parties that make the most sense for merriment and enjoy!
  • Although I LOVE the “walk every morning” plan. The holidays might infringe on it’s practicality. Select specific mornings or evenings on a recurring basis to ensure quality cardio sessions when you know you will have enough time and can keep your appointment to work out. Mark it in your calendar as an unwavering appointment.
  • I know the extreme workouts are popular but are they really good for you? Intensity is independent of quality. Always evaluate if it is safe, well-supervised and appropriate for your fitness level and needs. This should help in deciphering if it is of a higher quality or not. The holidays are too busy to waste your time on an ill-fitting workout or worse – sustaining an injury.
  • Bang for your buck. Quality usually costs more. Decide where you need the most help and place your hard earned dollars there. Gorgeous workout clothing is nice but you might be better off investing in personal training, fruit and vegetable delivery or outstanding group classes.

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