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Carve It Out

Dr. Nancy Snyderman graciously taking a photo with Michelle Blakely in San Antonio, Texas.

Dr. Nancy Snyderman graciously taking a photo with Michelle Blakely in San Antonio, Texas.

I had the privilege of hearing Dr. Nancy Snyderman present on the topic of health issues for women this past week. She touched on the expected: stress, exercise, eating healthfully and seeking quality treatment from our physicians. But, less expectedly, she spent a great deal of time encouraging each of us women to: “carve out time for yourself.”

Through entertaining anecdotes Dr. Snyderman illustrated the importance of making time to step off the train of your life and recharge your batteries. The essential element to her message was placing the onus on each of us. No one is going to step in and ask us to do less, to take a break, to let go of our responsibilities. We must make the time and ruffle a few feathers if necessary. This is easier said than done but well worth our effort. Reducing stress is a huge component to living a healthier life.
So, in honor of this talk, I encourage you to take her advice. This stunning, sixty year-old surgeon, mother of adult children, daughter of aging parents and chief medical correspondent has access to a wealth of the best medical information in the world. Her advice? For women like us to put ourselves on the priority list and recharge our batteries. The better we take care of ourselves the better our lives will be and our capacity to love and help those around us when we need to. Let’s listen!
Have a favorite way to recharge your batteries? Post it here…

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