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Learn from My Mistake

Tuesday afternoon was crumbling. My stress management was in the toilet and the long day and demands yet tackled were getting to me.  (Think Bruce Banner morphing into the Incredible Hulk.)
We headed out for a family walk and I begrudgingly let my 5 and a 1/2 year old ride her bike. (Why begrudgingly? Because as aforementioned, I was behaving like a monster.) As we started the walk,I noticed the height of the seat and handle bars were atrociously low for her now taller size and body mechanics. For most of the ride she would not only be on a bike grossly too small for her but tilted at a 30 degree angle due to the “too high” positioning of the training wheels. I whispered to my husband, “this is going to be torture for her, everything is way too low.” He shrugged and said, “Let’s try. She’s so excited and I don’t have time to adjust it.”
I pushed the stroller with my 2 and 1/2 year old and watched from behind as this helmeted force of nature gleefully grunted through her ride.  Understanding this mechanical mess left me somewhat fascinated and I kept quiet. As I observed, life taught me a big, fat lesson, “MY ATTITUDE is the problem.”
I over heard her discuss each of her obstacles with relentless positivity and reasoning. There were many, but here are a few of the gems my husband and I could recall:
Daughter: “I’m not going to give up.”
Dad: “Since the day you were born, you have never given up.”
Daughter: “Really? Well, I’m not going to give up now!” (As she is grunting)
Daughter:: “What is 100%?”
Dad: “To give it all the energy you’ve got.”
Daughter:: “Well… then I am going to do that.”
Dad: “You have to keep pedaling hard to get up this hill. It can be tough pedaling up hill.:
Daughter:: “This hill is easy!” (As she is grunting, pink and sweaty)
When was the last time you listened to a child or that painfully positive person in your office? Do yourself a favor. Sit with them, listen to them, and let their glow and example give you the boost you so dearly need. Stop complaining and start enjoying. Laugh at yourself if you have to. As I have stated before, healthy living is work, but your attitude can make it so much easier. That kind of attitude example is a gift – go out and enjoy it.

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Chicago, IL

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