Do you love your skin?
Of course you do! May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month…
Do your skin, beauty and health a favor by staying in the shade, wearing sunblock and donning sunproof clothing. Not that fair? Doesn’t matter. As one dermatologist insightfully stated: “Bob Marley had melanoma.”
My two daughters have very different skin tones. I wondered, if I need to be as vigilant with sun protection with both children? (I realize this question sounds horrible on the surface, but you may not have ever had to slather lotion on two elusive toddlers while trying to get out the door.) The short answer: “Yes.” So whatever your skin tone, protect your health and beauty. Be smart in the sun this weekend.
Sun proof clothing site we love: (hat pictured below)
Coolibar Sun Protective Clothing
No time to shop? Dark denim will provide sun protection. And what fabric is more American than denim? Be safe! Have fun!
#skinsmart #skincancerawareness #fridayquickie
Need a dermatologist? We love Dr. Peter Lio of Medical Dermatology Associates of Chicago and Dr. Emily Arch of Wicker Park Dermatology and Aesthetics
Great advice Michelle. I respect and admire your diligence with the girls and yourself in protecting such beautiful skin.