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Doctor Feel Good

Doctor Feel Good: December 31st is fast approaching. Take advantage of your health insurance and your deductible, make an appointment to see your Internist and Ob/Gyn practitioner. This is an outstanding way to catch problems early and establish a quality relationship with one of your best health resources. Please make both appointments. There are several important screens/discussions performed by each physician that are not addressed by the other. Need a great Ob/Gyn or Internist or Dermatologist referral? I highly recommend Dr. Shayna R. Rubin for Obstetrics and Gynecology, Dr. Kevin Hunt for Internal Medicine and Dr. Katherine Wier for skin needs.

Eat Your Wheaties…or egg whites, or fruit smoothie, or lean ham and cheese. Whatever you prefer, start the day with breakfast. I sympathize with the urge to skip your morning meal before or after holiday indulging. Unfortunately, it doesn’t help and often hurts. Keep your metabolism revved up, your nutrient intake high and your body and brain fueled by eating a healthy breakfast.
Friday morning November 26th?
Stroll along our beautiful lakefront.
Give Thanks… to your body. Think of five things you LOVE about your body. Yes, I’m serious – five things. Thanksgiving is a time of gratitude; appreciating our bodies should be no exception. Think of how it functions, how it recovers, how it moves, how it looks … whether it’s inheriting your grandmother’s cheekbones or your natural gift of flexibility, whether you have always had radiant skin or kicked cancer’s butt, take the time to appreciate your miraculous vehicle. We can’t move forward, until we appreciate what we’ve got. Taking a little time to appreciate our bodies can be a very meaningful and uplifting Thanksgiving moment.

Hold Strong: Generally speaking the goal during the holidays should be to maintain your current weight/fitness level. Goals should always be sensible and attainable. Striving to lose weight amidst the parties, treats and stress is unrealistic, especially without the weekly support of a fitness professional. This year, enjoy yourself and keep your eye on maintaining your exercise regime and size between now and January first.

Location, location, location…

Friday Quickies: Part II

Location, Location, Location…
Use this realty slogan when you mingle at a party. Delicious food at a party is great. I would argue a very fun part of the party. But, often we eat foods just because we are near them – stand right next to the bacon wrapped dates for ten minutes – you’ll probably eat more than you planned. Try to move your conversations away from the buffet. Enjoy the company, the food and the party – just be mindful of where you park your conversations.

Sweet Potato Casserole Try this simple, client tested recipe. Packed with vitamin A, sweet potatoes also hold a healthy dose of fiber, protein, potassium and vitamin C. You will need: 5 sweet potatoes, peeled and sliced (use a mandoline if you have one), 3/4 cup orange juice, 1/2 cup water, raisins & chopped pecans (optional)
Preheat oven to 400 degrees F
Spray baking dish with olive oil/canola oil

Spread sweet potatoes (slightly overlapping) in a baking dish. (Sprinkle with raisins and chopped pecans).
Pour OJ over the sweet potatoes
Bake in the preheated oven until sweet potatoes are tender (time ranges – about 40 min)

Let it go: You wouldn’t hang a picture in your home that made you feel bad about yourself – why do it with your clothes? Holding on to clothing that doesn’t flatter stirs negative feelings about our body. And despite popular habits, holding on to too small clothing does NOT translate into motivation to slim down. As you try on your holiday outfits this season, instead of holding on, let the clothes go. Donate quality clothing to charity or sell more expensive pieces at a consignment shop. When you hit your goal fitness level you will not want to wear those ten year old jeans. (I promise.) Make room for clothes that feel fabulous and celebrate the skin you are in right now.

Shake it up: Literally. What music makes you move? I encourage you to take just five minutes, play your favorite tunes and dance. Yep, dance. Quick, healthy and easy, this stress reliever is a simple way to get silly and get moving. (My inspiration? Elmo and my two year old daughter)

Timing is everything… even with exercise. Your body DOESN’T care much if you strength train at 7am or at 7pm. Your body DOES care that you get it done. Exercising in the morning increases the likelihood that you will complete it. After work workouts are great in theory but, often there is more competition for your time and a greater likelihood you will cancel exercise. Try to get moving in the mornings – you’re more likely to reap the benefits because you’ll be more likely to get it done.

Finding these helpful? Have some tricks of your own? I’d be happy to hear from you:

Toss it!

Wonderful parties, time with loved ones and delicious eats abound as we slide into the official start of the holidays. Unfortunately, a tradition of stress and weight gain is on the horizon as well. I’d love for you to avoid those pitfalls so, Blakely FIT is here to help.

Every Friday from now until 2011, I’ll be sending my best tips for navigating holiday challenges. Realistic simple solutions are on their way. Meet me in your inbox every Friday or become a friend on Facebook Find us on Facebook for weekly posts . With tricks and treats each week, we CAN celebrate this season while keeping our healthy glow.  All my best, Michelle

Five on Friday: Part I

  • Toss it: Most of us have leftover Halloween candy lying around and if it’s there, eventually we will eat it. Take two minutes today and pick out the few pieces you LOVE and then toss the rest. No sense wasting calories on candy you don’t really even like – save it for the really good stuff.
  • Bedtime: However childish it may seem, I’d like you to decide a bedtime. Quality sleep is an outstanding asset for the months ahead. So, know your bedtime and start winding down about 15 minutes before you need to be asleep.
  • Join ‘Em: Thanksgiving is coming and so are parties and potluck. If hosts ask you to bring something, offer to make a dish that is nutrient rich or on the healthy side as opposed to the usual bread or wine.
  • Be distracted: We all need a break at times, but the holidays can afford little opportunity. I recommend having “quick treats” on hand. On of my favorites: compilation books. Listed below are a few humorous texts written in essay form (i.e. you can finish one story in 5 to 15 minutes):
David Sedaris, Me Talk Pretty One Day;
Sloane Crosley, I Was Told There Would Be Cake;
Laurie Notaro The Idiot Girl and the Flaming Tantrum of Death;
Chelsea Handler Are you There Vodka, It’s Me Chelsea?


  • Free Foot Massage: Who doesn’t love foot massages? Here’s a great quickie foot massage you can do almost anywhere. Pop your shoes off and place a tennis, racket or golf ball under your foot. Standing or sitting, gently roll the sole of your foot over the ball taking time over areas that need extra relief. Bonus for my high heel wearers: gently roll calves over the ball while seated on the floor with your legs out in front of you.

Finding forgotten money…

I am mildly obsessed with helping clients improve their health, their strength, and their wellness . So, when DRIVE: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us crossed my desk, I was giddy to start reading.

“How can I be more motivated?” crosses every everyone’s mind at some point. New York Times Bestselling Author, Daniel H. Pink answers with explanation and examples of work environments that are harnessing our natural intrinsic motivation with outstanding results. Thankfully, Dan has included bullet points for individuals seeking renewed intrinsic motivation with exercise and given Blakely FIT permission to share this excerpt here.
So, please read below. Because how great would it be to want to exercise? For those of you that already do, please feel free to read on and nod. For those of you that don’t, please read and apply. You just might find an internal reserve you’ve overlooked. Like forgotten money in a fall coat pocket, and who doesn’t love that?

“Four Tips for Getting (and Staying) Motivated to Exercise

Set your own goals. Don’t accept some standardized, cookie-cutter exercise plan. Create one that’s tailored to your needs and fitness level. (You can work with a professional on this, but you make the final calls.) Equally important, set the right kinds of goals…people who pursue more intrinsic goals – to get fit in order to feel good or to stay healthy for their family – make slower progress at first, but achieve significantly better results in the long term.

Ditch the treadmill. Unless you really like treadmills, that is…Gather some friends for an informal game of tennis or basketball, join an amateur league, go for walks at a local park, dance for half an hour, or play with your kids. Use the Sawyer Effect to your advantage – and turn your work (out) into play.

Keep mastery in mind. getting better at something provides a great source of renewable energy. So pick an activity in which you can improve over time…

Reward yourself the right way. …in general don’t bribe yourself with “if-then” rewards – like “If I exercise four times this week, then I’ll buy myself a new shirt.” They can backfire. But the occasional “now that” reward? Not a problem. So, if you’ve swum the distance you hoped this week, there’s no harm in treating yourself to a massage afterward.”

Pink, Daniel H., Drive: The Surprising Truth about What Motivates Us, pp 201-02, Riverhead Books, New York, 2009

Interested in reading more? Click here to purchase DRIVE.


Outdoor perks of Chicago

BFIT Frugalista: Enjoy the outdoor perks of being a Chicagoan…
With 18 miles of Lakefront trail and 520 parks to choose from – make a date with yourself to enjoy a walk along our magnificent lakefront or stride to a park near you. Beautiful views, fresh air and a great alternative to the lunchroom or treadmill. Take a look as you leave your home or office today, there is definitely a trail or park close by. This is a free, easy and dare I say, fashionable way to relish the end of Summer and start of Fall in Chicago.

Sun on Lake Michigan

Looking for something specific? Use the Chicago Park District website to find a park by name or zip code. Lakefront trail map link here: Lakefront Trail Map

Women are not little men…

“Women are not little men…” Martha Gulati, MD, MS

It’s surprising that we needed a study to remind us, but thanks to the work of Martha Gulati, MD, MS; Leslee J. Shaw, PhD; Ronald A. Thisted, PhD; Henry R. Black, MD; C. Noel Bairey Merz, MD; and Morton F. Arnsdorf, MD, women are now better informed regarding their cardiovascular exercise intensity. Heart rate range guidelines used for women throughout the health and fitness industry are being questioned. In part, because they were based on studies performed solely on men. The good news for the ladies: cardio doesn’t have to be as hard as we thought. The challenging news: you may have to change your behavior. Generally speaking, women need to be monitoring how hard they are working when elevating their heart rate during cardiovascular exercise. The study has found that working too intensely can actually hurt your heart health as well as limiting the previously accepted benefits.

I am not suggesting you eliminate cardiovascular exercise (sorry to disappoint). I am suggesting you purchase an inexpensive heart rate monitor (or take a ten second count) and learn more about the heart rate range appropriate for your age, fitness levels and goals. The recommendations encourage women to take it down a notch and I couldn’t be more in agreement. “Less is more” is a win-win for both heart health and body fat loss. Please call to let me know if you’d like help implementing these new guidelines. Call 773-680-6824.

To read the American Heart Association summary of the study please visit:  Circulation, The St James Women Take Heart Project

Have a “‘Less is more’ cardio success story” of your own? I’d love to hear it… connect with me at

How’s that working for you?

Last month, “How’s that working for you?” presented itself to four Blakely FIT clients. Here are their stories.

“How’s that working for you, parent and breadwinner?”
“Pretty bad actually…” When clients take a break from training, I wish them a fond farewell, an open door invite for their return and very sincere hope that they find continued success. This email was sent shortly after a client stopped training with Blakely FIT: “sorry I left working out with you, last night was w/trainer at [Chain gym]… and local Dr thinks I tore rotator cuff in left shoulder. Have to call my Dr to set up an appt for MRI to really find out how bad. Was doing flat bench and took 90lbs off went down and heard like knuckles cracking and needed help w/bar off my chest, but no visible signs of tear.” After calling to check in, I learned there was no assessment, no warm-up, and no progression into such a challenging exercise (all standard practices for professional grade trainers). The lesson: trust your gut! With exercise, classes and instructors, if something seems unsafe during a workout routine, stop, step out and/or ask questions. You are too valuable to yourself and those who rely on you to be put out of commission because of unsafe exercise.

“How’s that working for you, busy career women?”
“The logic is tough but my body feels great” This month, two of my clients, a young career woman and an accomplished professional, changed their understanding of effective workouts. Like many of us, they had an all-or-nothing mentality: Work out at 120 percent or don’t bother. But when I advised them to lower the intensity of their cardio workouts, I was met with initial resistance. Understandably, they individually expressed concern about applying the “less is more” methods to their cardio plan. In the end, the proof is in the pudding and lowering their cardio intensity is already showing measurable weight loss improvements in an incredibly short period of time. With bonus benefits to boot: they each reported “workouts were more enjoyable” and “less daunting.” They felt rejuvenated and optimistic about their cardio instead of exhausted and overwhelmed. Win-Win-Win 🙂

“How’s that working for you, mother and homemaker extraordinaire?”
“Pretty great actually…” I check in with clients about stress levels, diet and weekly schedules – it’s integral to ensuring client success. Being a positive problem solver is an important part of supporting my clients. One client who had her fair share of healthful-eating struggles happily reported a revelation. She was excited about attending a party and blase about the delicious food on the menu (one made specifically for her by the hostess). This was a welcome change. Instead of being stressed and a little annoyed at the task of making “smart food decisions” – she felt great and looked forward to attending. A bit surprised by herself, she smiled at how easy it had become.  What a fantastic accomplishment – it frees up mental space and allows for a more enjoyable party experience. Instead of the old habit of stressing over what to eat or not she can focus on what size eight outfit she’d like to wear.

So, what is your answer? I hope it’s: “Great.” If not, call me – I’d love to help you too. In a few months, your answer will surprise and delight you.

All my best and B FIT,
Michelle 773-680-6824

Have a “How is that working for you?” moment of your own? I’d love to hear it… email your story to
