Failing to Plan Is Planning to Fail

I will never forget standing in front of my boss’s office looking at his year long program design calendar for his athletes. I had never seen anything like it. The idea of planning that far in advance, of working backwards from a time sensitive goal to arrive successful and prepared was foreign. Suspicious at first, It did not take long to become a believer. I have seen it time and again, having a plan is so important for success and failing to plan often leads to failure.

Below are a few questions to ponder as you look to craft a sticky and effective promise for 2013:

Recall successful past achievements. Did you have a plan?

Do you wish you were a better planner?

Do you get lost in details and lose the big picture goal?

What do you want for 2013? 2014? 2015?

What is a realistic goal achievement date?

What measurable steps can you take to arrive there?

What time constraints or commitments will you need to navigate/trouble shoot?

What is your half way mark?

How will you measure success?

Who will help you?

You can have a healthy and successful 2013. Reach out anytime. I’d be delighted to learn about your needs and wants and create and implement your plan for success.