I am striving as a business owner, I am striving as a trainer. In doing so, I reach out to others – for counsel and advice. Addressing one specific area of business, someone I consider a bit of a mentor, reminded me: “it’s the toughest part of the job.” This was comforting and discouraging at the same time.
My dear readers, I have the same message for you. The fact is, the day in, day out healthy decision making is the toughest part of your being fit job. Understanding what we SHOULD do is not all that difficult. Drop me an email, do some homework and the answers are pretty easy to find. Actually doing it? That is the mountain in front of you. “So, thanks for pointing out the mountain Michelle, but now what?” Recognize the challenge and take a step. Take a moment to acknowledge that it’s not easy. This nonsense that we should easily be able to completely change our habits and suddenly behave healthfully is ridiculous. Remind yourself that although simple – this healthy living stuff is work. Worth every single drop of blood, sweat and tear, but work. So applaud yourself for the effort, applaud your self for making the right decision because your body and loved ones deserve a healthy you, imagine you are G.I. Jane if it helps you soldier on. Just don’t forget to keep your perspective as you fight the good fight. I am rooting for you!!!