So it has been a blue few weeks, right? The news and the weather have been trying (for good reason, but still trying.) Well, if Spring and good news won’t come to us… maybe we need to go to it. Last Sunday, I packed up the kids and hubby for a day trip at the Chicago Botanic Garden. What a boost! Some of the grounds were flooded of course but the landscaping and growth were such a refreshing and inspiring change of pace. Let’s take advantage of these local treasures and lift our spirits by venturing outdoors for some healthy walking and time in nature. Two of my favorites: Chicago Botanic Garden and Morton Arboretum. Don’t have time for that kind of drive? Throw on an extra layer and get to the lakefront – I promise you will feel better afterward.
Want to go for free? Chicago Public Library has Chicago Botanic Garden Family Passes for check out. Just show it at the parking gate for free parking. (Admission into the Garden itself is always free.)