Dirty Little Secret

Shhh ImageThere is something my industry is generally ignoring. And it is unfortunately, to your detriment. First, let’s acknowledge what we aren’t missing?


You can throw a rock in any direction and hit a trainer, gym or studio, new workout idea, piece of equipment, app, or recipe, new suggestion for how to cut calories or how to burn them. Membership options, fitness cultures, gym reinventions, experts and how to live healthfully research abounds.

What is missing you ask? What is the secret that I have witnessed in ALL of my successful clients? Well, it’s not me, it’s not a gadget, it’s not a diet or workout trick (although the quality of your information matters), it’s something inside the client. It’s the most important thing they have in their possession.
You have it too.

It’s your attitude.

So, I am aware there are some colossal eye rolls happening by a significant portion of my beautiful readers right now. Don’t hurt yourself. Bear with me.

Let’s think it through. Do you really believe you can succeed in living healthfully? Do you really want to be healthy? Do you feel you deserve a healthy, happy body? Because here’s the thing, if you don’t feel it and believe it – that giant brain of yours will find a way to sabotage. Your attitude and belief are your greatest asset and your greatest adversary. I have seen it, year in and year out. It is painful to bear witness but I’d like to save you that struggle and suggest you take a minute to evaluate your own attitude.

Too few, in my opinion are discussing the secret to success I have had the honor of witnessing for 13 years. Your attitude is more important than any app, trend or trainer. So, grab that power and ride it to a successful journey that ends with you in a happier, healthier, fitter place.

You can do this. I’m rooting for you.

#attitude #secret #attitude is everything #strength #women #success

Gratitude on the Fourth

Happy Fourth of July everyone!

I am overwhelmed with gratitude as I reflect on this celebration of independence, freedom and all things great and worthwhile about our country. I am a woman, mother, wife and small business owner. As imperfect as our young country may be, being a U.S. citizen has afforded me the opportunity to build a business of my own accord providing a valuable service for my clients and income for my young family.

None of it would be possible with out the readership, social media support and patronage of you, my clients and readers. My utmost thanks for your support, feedback and trust.

I wish you and yours a wonderful holiday together and a moment of reflection for the freedom and independence we each hold dear.

Celebrate the Uncelebrated

Many people have brought the video of Moscow based dancer Sergei Polunin performance of Irish singer-songwriter Hozier ballad, “Take Me to Church” directed by artist David LaChapelle to my attention. Compelling, gorgeous and gravity defying – thank you each for the notice. As a former dancer I have some understanding of what it took to create this stunning piece: the sacrifice, work, the commitment and resilience.

It got me thinking. In life, there is no seamless choreography, no musical score and no four minute transformation. Life is not a crafted video and healthy living even more so. It is an infinite series of small choices sending us on different trajectories.

With that thought in mind, I’d like to take a moment to applaud my clients and women out there in general daring to make a change. They do so with out much notice or fanfare or recognition even. They do it to better their lives, value their health and energize their life for the betterment of those around them.

A few thoughts to celebrate the uncelebrated:
Here’s to the woman that refuses to hit snooze so that she makes it to the gym on time.
Here’s to the client that puts it all on the table and risks trying a new strategy for healthy living.
Here’s to the gal that was hit with a medical condition and refuses to relinquish her health with out a fight.
Here’s to the young adult that saw healthy living sabotage from others and walked away for self-preservation.
Here’s to the mother that insisted on being as healthy as she could for her children and one on the way.
Here’s to every woman out there doing their best, quietly, habitually and with out any fanfare – to improve their health for the benefit of herself and all those that need her.

Here’s to celebrating our small moments and the little victories of the women around us!

What I learned in Maui…

What I Learned in Maui…

It’s tough for anyone to successfully pull off a wetsuit.
Great products make a huge difference…GoPro is awesome, Coolibar makes life easier and self tanner keeps me out of trouble with my dermatologist. As with many things in life, don’t over think it. Leaping off the zip line platform is a lot easier when you don’t hesitate. Don’t think about that you are about to leap into the abyss, clip on your safety gear and go…
When I grow up, I want to be Hawaiian – the people, the nature, the water, the sounds, I was born on the wrong island…

No matter how cold you feel on the boat, get in the water. Swimming with a sea turtle makes “I’m too cold” seem like a joke…
1% of people regret zip lining the last run. 100% regret NOT zip lining the last run. Fearful? Trust your guides and move forward. You’ll be glad you did.

Hawaiian palm tree leaves gently tapping one another is one of the most beautiful sounds on Earth.
Hearing humpback whales with my own ears – worth the very long trip to get there.
Hawaiians do vacation. They go to Vegas. Vegas, baby, Vegas.

I can take a nap in the middle of the day after doing nothing if I have a cold beer. I’m an idiot that it took me this long to figure that out.

Listen to your friends: “Don’t work on vacation.”

I am grateful for the fine farmers, fishermen and chefs on Maui – the food and service were INCREDIBLE.
Rent a convertible at least once in your life.

Less is more.

Take advice from those that have been there before – exploit their knowledge. (Mahalo – Shayna, Laura, Steve and Paula!) It took exactly 8 hours to decide I’m going back to Hawaii.

Seven years is too long to postpone a grown up vacation.

Life is short but rich.

Vacationing with out your children is a tough proposition at first but ultimately a very good thing for everyone. Sit on the beach and watch surfers. They know something we don’t.

Maui cures bronchitis.

Time to do nothing is precious and important.

Need help with that resolution? 

We are energized and ready to help! 

And the winner is…

BlakelyFIT-Lioness2015Many thanks for your time and participation in our survey last month! The results were touching, inspiring and at times hilarious. I strive to create the best experience and company possible, thank you for your input – it is invaluable!

As promised, one lucky participant has won a $25 iTunes gift card and Blakely FIT t-shirt. She is…..

 Jody B!

Here is a screen shot of the final survey questions answers  – facinating! Enjoy…

Screen Shot Survey #5 Blakely FIT

“Dare the difference.”

In The Confidence Code, Christine Lagarde offers a brilliant call to action: “Dare the difference.” Dare to define your own path to exhibiting confidence in your life. Dare to break through women’s statistical habit of not exercising confidence as often as we could.

I, of course, love this.


So much so that I suggest you apply it to your strength endeavors as well. Strength training is gaining significant popularity among women right now and for good reason. The benefits are incredible – improved metabolism, bone density, fat loss and muscle mass increases just to name a few. However, with in this trend, we, as women must “Dare the difference.”  We are anatomically different from men and that awareness is integral in effective strength training program design.

You are unique. Select a plan and definition of strength that speaks to you. Create fitness goals that bring you to what you really want, however different or unpopular. And, like our unique brand of confidence, this might also be different than a man’s.  Maybe you would love to be able to do a handstand, a pull up, to dance the tango, to carry your toddler up 3 flights with out being winded, or to simply feel strong again after a time of placing your health on the back burner. If you are enticed by the idea of strength training (and I hope you are), dare to move forward and dare to choose a workout that speaks to your preferences and your anatomy. It is a delight to define our own kind of strength. Dare to do it. Your body and mind will thank you.

An Unexpected Gift

Reading the Little Blue Engine Blakely FIT 2014After dinner and a warm bath, we snuggle and read before bed like many young families. Sometimes I’m a model parent: animated, engaged. Other times, not so much — going through the motions and struggling to stay awake as the day’s chores still loom.

Recently we read, once again, The Little Engine That Could, Watty Piper’s tale of perseverance and grit that has lasted for more than 80 years in print. On this particular evening, I’m attentive — and suddenly struck by an enlightening passage.

Mr. Piper writes: “Some of the cars were filled with all sorts of good things for boys and girls to eat — big golden oranges, red-cheeked apples, bottles of creamy milk for their breakfasts, fresh spinach for their dinners, peppermint drops and lollypops for after-meal treats.”

Apples, oranges, spinach and milk depicted as precious treats for children? How often do we see good food as a treat?

Thanksgiving is at our doorstep. Yet before all the harried preparations subsume our lives, we might take a moment to recall Mr. Piper’s words. Remembering life before we had such abundant produce departments could provide perspective for the feast ahead. Recalling a time when health was not so easily remedied with pills or surgery could inspire us to take more care with our bodies. Maybe this is the other lesson in Mr. Piper’s timeless tale.

Today, we have so much food in our grocery stores and restaurants that one third of it goes uneaten, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. In fact, food is the biggest single source of waste in this country, more than plastic or paper, the EPA finds.

Thanksgiving provides time with older generations. Let’s ask about their experiences. Do our older relatives and friends recall a time before our era of plenty? When vegetables were not available year-round? When a “golden orange” was a coveted gift? And when candy was a special treat? What about a time when resolving pain did not include MRI, physical therapy or ultrasound? When walking to and from work or school was not a chore but part of daily life?

No question, we’re truly fortunate to have access to so much food and state-of-the-art healthcare. As we celebrate through this holiday of gratitude, a broader perspective might let us appreciate and enjoy our food and health all the more. It could be an unexpected gift hiding in a familiar place.

Rekindle an Old Flame

BlakelyFITBlackWidowHalloween2014Last Thursday afternoon, I found myself getting excited. Really excited.

Growing up, I loved Halloween as much as the next kid: bags of free candy, late night celebrating, costume fun, what’s not to love? This, of course, transitioned as a young adult. Halloween afforded me the excuse to party, dress up and partake in other indulgences. My partying days are now less frequent and my enthusiasm had waned for this beloved holiday. Until, last week.

My daughters rekindled an old flame. Their relentless anticipation of the parties, the candy and spooky, haunted, fun was contagious. Their joy and energy pulled me in and I found myself enjoying the preparations that otherwise (I’m embarrassed to say) would have felt like “one more thing to do.”

Isn’t this possible with living healthfully? It’s a stretch to compare candy to kale. Let’s remember, enthusiasm is contagious. And enthusiasm for healthy living is possible and probable when we surround ourselves with the right people. Do you have anyone in your life that seems to have struck a healthy living balance? Could you hang out with them more? Ask them to coffee? Listen to their story of arriving at said balance. Let it inspire you. Being around people on a healthy living journey can be a powerful source of inspiration. Look around, listen and let their energy spark a change that could last a lifetime.

W.I.S.E. Success!

Michelle's 1st 39th - trimming hedges

I was a big fan of the show Dirty Jobs for a while. Have you seen it? Personally, I had a bit of a crush on the host, Mike Rowe. Anyway, one episode was all military. They illustrated how a few soldiers leveraged winches and pulleys to pull a multi-ton military vehicle out from being stuck in the sand. The winches and pulleys were their mechanical advantage. The winches and pulleys provided leverage in a seemingly impossible situation.  

That’s how I see exercise. I firmly believe, exercise can be your mechanical advantage. With all that you have to accomplish, exercise will give you leverage…

It was an honor to be a part of the Industrial Supply Association’s, Women Industrial Supply Executive’s Summit this week in Tempe, Arizona. An incredible group of women and outstanding fellow panelists / committee members made it an exceptional event. One of my favorite exerts from the talk above…  detailed follow up coming soon.


Michelle and Patrick Silly at Wedding

Conversation between my husband and me:

Michelle: “I don’t really like it when people assume I only eat low fat foods.”

Patrick: “Well, it’s kind of a compliment. They’re indirectly assuming that you practice what you preach.’”

Michelle: “It’s not the misconception about me that’s upsetting, it’s the misconception about how to live healthfully.”

The path to consistent exercise and healthy living are (at times) misunderstood. Infomercials, elevator talk, misinformed friends or family, and poor reporting have left some of us mistaken about the effective and accurate guidelines for healthy living. Like the new kid in class, I hope you make the time to get to know the truth about effective ways to live healthfully. Below are the top three wellness misconceptions repeatedly crossing my desk:

Misconception #1: Healthy eating for weight loss is primarily about fat and calories.
Food is more to our bodies than weight management. Nutrients are an important part of the equation. Focusing solely on fat grams and calorie intake will leave you unsuccessful (and very unsatisfied.)

Misconception #2: Lifting weights will make me big and bulky.
I have met VERY few women in my line of work that are genetically predisposed to “bulk up.” Lifting weights has tremendous benefits for your health, longevity, injury prevention and weight loss. As long as you are with a skilled trainer, there is nothing to fear.

Misconception #3: Faster, harder or more intense is better.
Unless you are a serious athlete or training for a VERY specific event, faster, harder and more intense is NOT necessarily better. Moderate exercises performed on a regular basis is generally an excellent exercise prescription for individuals wanting to lose weight and improve their wellness and health.

Connect today to start your change: 773-680-6824

Strength Training Exclusively for Women, Chicago, IL