What is your new year’s resolution? Lose weight? Save money? Why not kill two birds with one stone? Consider exercise your shiny, new slingshot. Below, I list some ideas for capitalizing on your precious time and valiant resolution efforts.
“Lose weight” goals? No surprise here, exercise is your new best friend. Opt for moderate intensity and habit creation.
“Save money” goals? Being healthier can save you tens of thousands of dollars over a lifetime: healthcare costs, insurance premiums and food costs to name a few. One study reported $1,429 higher healthcare costs to obese individuals each year versus their normal weight counterparts.
“Better career” goals? Being fit makes you more attractive to potential employers because they know the additional costs of having unhealthy employees. It is illegal, but still goes on.
“Be organized” goals? Nothing will help you remember to plan the day before like forgetting to put your dress socks or bra into your work out bag. Seriously, exercise itself requires some planning and in that planning other parts of your day can fall into place more easily. On the flip side, getting organized may fuel exercising. Who doesn’t feel more energized after cleaning out a closet?
“Spend more time with friends” goals? This is a layup. Attend a recurring class, make a workout date or start an intramural team with friends. You can be active and spend time together.
“Be a better partner/parent/sibling/child” goals? I defer to one of my favorite quotes: “In terms of pursuing personal, optimal health, it’s not selfish- let’s shake that monkey off our backs. It’s the fit person who has the energy and availability to be charitable, help others, and give more of herself.” -Fitness for Geeks
And to each of you, my very sincere wishes for a joyful, healthy and rewarding 2013!
Happy New Year!