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Do It for Our Country

Politics are emotional. Whichever camp you associate with, this eighteen month election process has been polarizing. Republican, Tea Party, and Libertarian supporters are dismayed at their loss. But even in the joy of victory, some Democrats are still concerned about the future. And that’s not addressing the local elections. As an eternal solution seeker, I have a suggestion. (Yes, little miss small business owner, personal trainer lady has an idea to uplift our country.)
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“It’s Not Selfish”

“In terms of pursuing personal, optimal health, it’s not selfish- let’s shake that monkey off our backs. It’s the fit person who has the energy and availability to be charitable, help others, and give more of herself.” –Fitness for Geeks by Bruce W. Perry


Money Mojo

Clients and friends know that I have an affinity for personal finance. It appeals to my love of numbers and predilection for planning. As customary, I was watching The Suze Orman Show last week and stumbled upon an enlightening bit of advice.

A 30 year software design veteran had been out of work for a year. After hundreds of resumes and dozens of interviews, she wanted help getting her  “money mojo” back. Suze’s advice? Exercise. I’m not kidding. The guru of accessible and common sense financial advice to millions of Americans is touting exercise as a key ingredient in reclaiming your “money mojo.” Suze’s reasoning was simple: “Employers are attracted to energy” and exercise will help you feel energized. She also cited that this woman in particular spent too much of her energy putting others first (uh-uhm.) She took her dogs for 6 mile walks (admirable) but never exercised just for herself (unfortunate.) Suze consistently advises her audience to place the financial oxygen mask on themselves first – this is just another variation of such advice.

As someone in the fitness journey trenches, none of this is surprising. I have watched many individuals achieve professional success in conjunction with their commitment to physical health. Research is constantly passing my desk in support of financial/professional achievement and healthy living. Walking five times a week, completing your yoga DVD every morning or joining a running club (beginner level) could all mean the difference between being an energized person or seeming depleted. As we search for sources of motivation to continue to live healthfully – this is a great reminder that exercise in fact offers many benefits beyond the physical implications.


Thank You

Thank you so much to everyone attending our Open House Sunday and to those that helped spread the word. It was a pleasure to connect with each of you and I look forward to our individual follow ups. BFIT Open House Jan 2012

Need a public speaker? Email


My advice this week is simple: sit back, curl up on the couch and watch a movie (one in particular.) I recently viewed Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead, a documentary by Australian, Joe Cross. It chronicles his journey to be free of medications, pain and imbalance as he travels across the United States on a juice fast. I found this movie motivating, unpretentious, and accessible. Add it to your Netflix cue (search under documentaries), tablet or laptop. It’s a great choice for anyone in need of some logical inspiration in an entertaining package. Drop me a line with your review.

Good on ya, mate! ~ Michelle

Rest if you must…

Rest if you must, but don’t you quit…
Grandma and Dad Fishing 
During post holiday blues and overzealous fitness routine soreness, I have a few words for you: “Rest if you must, but don’t you quit.” This message has always been very close to my heart as it was first delivered to me by my paternal grandmother (above with my father), a remarkable woman in her own right – authentic farm girl, RN, survivor of the Depression, mother of 5 (before nannies and formula), pleasant, happy, engaging and unequivocally one of the kindest and most resilient women I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. Over the years my grandmother taught me a lot by how she lived her life and one that has always stuck with me was: “rest if you must, but don’t you quit.” 

Changing your life for the better is hard – rewarding and worth every drop of sweat in the end – but, still hard. So, during what might be a precarious week for New Year’s Resolution commitment, I implore you NOT to quit. I’ve attached a version of the poem below. I do hope that “rest if you must, but don’t you quit” will help you in a challenging moment. This being “healthy and happy” journey is a marathon, not a sprint. Taking a break here and there, or reevaluating your plan to find better support or more realistic timelines are good decisions. Think of individuals that inspire you when the going gets tough, keep your chin up and keep on with the good fight. You can do this.

And in the vein of my grandmother, THANK YOU. Thank you so much for reading. It is an honor to have your attention and feedback. All my best on those resolutions! ~Michelle

I’d love to see you at the open house: 

Open House Sunday, January 22nd from 10:30am to noon. 

Email to reserve your space

When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,

When the road you’re trudging seems all uphill,

When the funds are low and the debts are high,

And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,

When care is pressing you down a bit-Rest if you must, but don’t you quit.

Life is queer with its twists and turns,

As every one of us sometimes learns,

And many a fellow turns about

When he might have won had he stuck it out.

Don’t give up though the pace seems slow -You may succeed with another blow.

Often the goal is nearer than

It seems to a faint and faltering man;

Often the struggler has given up

Whe he might have captured the victor’s cup;

And he learned too late when the night came down,

How close he was to the golden crown.

Success is failure turned inside out –

The silver tint in the clouds of doubt,

And you never can tell how close you are,

It might be near when it seems afar;

So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit -It’s when things seem worst that you must not quit.

Top Tricks for Turkey Day

 Top Tricks for Turkey Day

  • First thing tomorrow morning – go for a walk outside (5 minutes or 50 – the fresh air and movement will make for a great start)
  • Eat plenty of fruit with your breakfast (pack in the nutrients)
  • Have your first drink at the party be water (especially if you are a lightweight in the drinking department)
  • Decide which two dishes are your absolute favorite and enjoy (exercise moderation with the others)
  • Park conversations away from the appetizer table
  • Help with the dishes after the dinner course (limits overeating and what host doesn’t love that?)
  •  Do NOT go to the party ravenous (have a snack before you arrive)
  •  Feeling stressed? (aren’t we all at some point) Take five deep breaths (Really stressed? Ten deep breaths and consider moving on to your second drink 😉

 Hope these are helpful. My utmost gratitude to you for your patronage and reading. Wishing you and yours a very healthy, happy and enjoyable Thanksgiving!
