I’ll be doing the Polar Plunge for Special Olympics
this Sunday, March 1st!
As a former special recreation instructor, I am honored to support such an admiral group of athletes and outstanding organization!
To bring some buzz to my efforts, I’m willing to go as deep as your pockets! Any size donation is welcome – every dollar counts!! And if your purse strings are a little tight right now, please consider sharing our Polar Plunge Facebook Post with your friends.
How deep will I go into Chicago’s freezing Lake Michigan?
It’s up to you, my beautiful reader! Visual aids below…
Thighs $350
(This one’s going to take some will power)
Waist $700
(Quick dunk – “I think I can, I think I can”)
Chest $1400
(Will definitely be recruiting fellow plungers encouragement. Might encounter some screaming at this point.)
Shoulders $2800
(Heaven help me)
Full Monty $5600
(Will insist on holding someone’s hand to ensure I come back up- darling brother, get ready! I’m also guessing this will be the fastest I ever move in my life!)