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Competitive Much?



Are you competitive? Do you strive for success? I have a fabulous article for you. The September Men’s Health edition has a fantastic interview of Tom Brady. If you want to be entertained and inspired please read it. If you only  need the “quickie” version (which is why you open these emails), here goes.

In the early phases of his career, Tom was different. His humility and eagerness to learn from others proved to be one of his greatest assets. He sees limited time on the field not as an excuse but as anopportunity to exceed expectations. He recognizes that pro football still holds on to the combine (three tests of physical aptitude) but realizes that it does not translate to his performance on the field. His attitude and his willingness to learn push him beyond what his natural physical gifts ever would alone.

How could this help you? I invite you to see your challenges as opportunities to over-achieve. I invite you to use those big brains of yours to creatively problem solve your healthy living hurdles. Because in your quest to be fit, it would be a shame to not use all your gifts. Your intellect, your tenacity, and your willingness to ask for help. You have the keys to success. You just need to use them.

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I Am a Hypocrite #2

Michelle's 1st 39th - trimming hedges

For my first, 39th birthday this week, I had an idyllic day planned: trimming hedges alone at our new home. This may seem a ridiculous scenario for a birthday, but I love to have time to myself and being outdoors on a beautiful day to improve our new house is a joy to me.

My 4th of July FQ (Friday Quickie) discussed the importance of sun protection. I am a hypocrite. Usually so vigilant, I felt a little invincible on my birthday, (the double Frappacino and a power tools didn’t hurt.) I thought, “a little sun might be good for me.” Wrong. I currently have freckled white stripes on my shoulders bordered in hot pink patches.

So my brilliant readers, please learn from my mistake: click those seat belts, warm-up before workouts, train for your races and always wear a helmet. Mother Nature doesn’t care if it’s your birthday.

Scared of Being Silly?

Do you shy away from being silly or noticed? Does self consciousness limit you? Are you sometimes “too cool for school”? You might be losing out on a great opportunity. Many studies indicate that short bursts of activity throughout the day can have a significant impact on improving our health.Leaping in Bouncy HouseI recently attended a friend’s child’s birthday party at a bouncy house facility. Knowing I wouldn’t have time for a workout that weekend, I joined in. There were colleagues I hadn’t seen in a while and probably some other parents that could have been potential business connections, but I knew I needed a boost and I’ve learned to care less and less about being judged.

Not only did I fit in some movement and goof off, it legitimately counts as an easy work out. Are there times you could move more? Moments you could jump in? get dirty? or play? I encourage you to test the waters. Because allowing fear to get in our way? That’s just silly.

The Legs Feed the Wolf

Miracle Movie Image

With these few words, legendary hockey coach, Herb Brooks insists on intense stamina and speed training in the race to beat competitors. The faster man gets the puck.

Now, I understand that you may not look at your life in terms of predator and prey and that you have no interest in training like a professional athlete. But when it comes to success in your life, this quote is exceedingly appropriate. What do you want and need to do day to day? What are the challenges you face? Who are your “competitors”? What kind of ingenuity, strength and stamina are required for you to metaphorically catch your dinner, keep up or get ahead? I argue, the state of your health and fitness habits will absolutely determine what you bring to the table. Consistent exercise could be an untapped well of better rest, more energy and clearer thinking for the challenges unique to your life.

Memorable, primal and concise, I invite you to post “the legs feed the wolf” somewhere in your space.  Thinking of your healthy habits as a means of getting a promotion or keeping up with your kids or gracefully adapting to change are inspiring motivations to consider. The next time you consider cancelling your workout or postponing a new exercise plan, remember this law. It might just give you the nudge you need to make the better choice.

Have a great weekend! Go Hawks!!!

Interested in the movie? I highly recommend it. Click on the image above to purchase.

Blakely FIT for Boston Marathon Recovery

Our hearts go out to all of those affected by the tragic bombings at the Boston Marathon today. Blakely FIT is willing to match up to $250 in donations to the American Red Cross as incentive to send Boston and those suffering our support.
If you or someone you know has donated, just send us an email, Blakely FIT blog comment  (below) or Blakely FIT facebook post with your contribution amount and we will match up to $250 dollars total over the next four days. $5, $10, $50? Make it double with our willingness to match your donation.
Our prayers and love are with those volunteering, working, injured and grieving.Many thanks for your consideration,
Michelle Blakely

President, Blakely FIT Inc.

Carve It Out

Dr. Nancy Snyderman graciously taking a photo with Michelle Blakely in San Antonio, Texas.

Dr. Nancy Snyderman graciously taking a photo with Michelle Blakely in San Antonio, Texas.

I had the privilege of hearing Dr. Nancy Snyderman present on the topic of health issues for women this past week. She touched on the expected: stress, exercise, eating healthfully and seeking quality treatment from our physicians. But, less expectedly, she spent a great deal of time encouraging each of us women to: “carve out time for yourself.”

Through entertaining anecdotes Dr. Snyderman illustrated the importance of making time to step off the train of your life and recharge your batteries. The essential element to her message was placing the onus on each of us. No one is going to step in and ask us to do less, to take a break, to let go of our responsibilities. We must make the time and ruffle a few feathers if necessary. This is easier said than done but well worth our effort. Reducing stress is a huge component to living a healthier life.
So, in honor of this talk, I encourage you to take her advice. This stunning, sixty year-old surgeon, mother of adult children, daughter of aging parents and chief medical correspondent has access to a wealth of the best medical information in the world. Her advice? For women like us to put ourselves on the priority list and recharge our batteries. The better we take care of ourselves the better our lives will be and our capacity to love and help those around us when we need to. Let’s listen!
Have a favorite way to recharge your batteries? Post it here…

Sweet in the Morning


One of my beautiful college dance professors, Nina Lucas, performed a stunning solo to Bobby McFerrin’s “Sweet in the Morning.” (listen here) She asked us what we thought the song was referring to. Our answers varied from the mundane to the racy.

I now have a new answer: exercise. I have come to this place of morning workout evangelism after years of witnessing client success. Morning workouts offer fewer excuses, fewer alternative commitments vying for our time, less competition at studios or gyms, and no opportunity for earlier appointments to push us too late to workout.

The other outstanding bonus is the sense of accomplishment. Working out in the morning gives us a boost of energy, the reward of getting “the hard part” done first and a surge of “feel good” natural chemicals all before 9am. Have you ever given it a try? Are you already a believer? Either way, I send you my encouragement – exercise can be quite sweet first thing in the morning.

Killing Birds

What is your new year’s resolution? Lose weight? Save money? Why not kill two birds with one stone? Consider exercise your shiny, new slingshot. Below, I list some ideas for capitalizing on your precious time and valiant resolution efforts.

“Lose weight” goals? No surprise here, exercise is your new best friend. Opt for moderate intensity and habit creation.

“Save money” goals? Being healthier can save you tens of thousands of dollars over a lifetime: healthcare costs, insurance premiums and food costs to name a few. One study reported $1,429 higher healthcare costs to obese individuals each year versus their normal weight counterparts.

“Better career” goals? Being fit makes you more attractive to potential employers because they know the additional costs of having unhealthy employees. It is illegal, but still goes on.

“Be organized” goals? Nothing will help you remember to plan the day before like forgetting to put your dress socks or bra into your work out bag. Seriously, exercise itself requires some planning and in that planning other parts of your day can fall into place more easily. On the flip side, getting organized may fuel exercising. Who doesn’t feel more energized after cleaning out a closet?

“Spend more time with friends” goals? This is a layup. Attend a recurring class, make a workout date or start an intramural team with friends. You can be active and spend time together.

“Be a better partner/parent/sibling/child” goals? I defer to one of my favorite quotes: “In terms of pursuing personal, optimal health, it’s not selfish- let’s shake that monkey off our backs. It’s the fit person who has the energy and availability to be charitable, help others, and give more of herself.” -Fitness for Geeks

And to each of you, my very sincere wishes for a joyful, healthy and rewarding 2013!
Happy New Year!
